Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Eating Right on a Budget

I saw this video and I thought it was really relevant to the times we are having now. More and more families are having to live on strict budgets, but that doesn't mean that you have to give up the nutrition too. By finding the "cycles" that are mentioned in the video, we can find what is on sale and still buy good foods. Planning is necessary for us to be successful, so we need to take a break out of our fast paced lifestyles. Too many people do not take the time to plan for meals and end up eating something quick and unhealthy. By taking some of this advice, we can get all the right foods that we need without spending a lot of money. I think that this is one of the reasons why I don't buy as much "healthy" food at the grocery store. I just walk around and see all the expensive prices and get discouraged. I think if I take the time to look for the deals, I can be eating better. For more tips click here.